Best Strategies for Improving Bank Branch Security

The leading motivator for theft and many other violent crimes is money. As such, banks have always had a proverbial target on their backs; as storehouses for large sums of money, they attract an outsized number of intrusion and theft attempts.

As the saying goes, the best offence is a good defence. Improving your bank branch security goes a long way toward deterring crime, as most criminals will not target places with precise and rigorous security measures in place.

Below, your security experts at Avon Security Products discuss five winning strategies for keeping employees, clients, and reserves safe.

Train Employees in Security Protocols

While the right tools and systems can elevate security, ultimately, it is the employees who will determine the overall safety of your bank branch. After all, the employees set, monitor, update and use these security systems.

As such, the first strategy is to formalize training programs, like emergency response and suspicious behaviour recognition; this can be accomplished internally or through third-party certification. Either way, security should be a significant portion of your onboarding process. Next, execute regular drills and updates to training materials to keep safety top-of-mind for employees.

Implement Proximity Cards for Employees

If you own or manage a bank branch, you should strongly consider proximity cards for employees. Essentially, proximity cards are access control systems that use contactless cards/fobs to a) authorize entry into various rooms, vaults, and restricted-access areas and b) track the various comings and goings in these areas for posterity.

Each card is uniquely coded, making it nearly impossible to duplicate, and the systems can be scaled to accommodate multiple employees (across branches, if necessary). Importantly, you can integrate them with other security measures like surveillance cameras, alarm systems, and time and attendance tracking to achieve a holistic overview of your branch’s safety.

Install Advanced Surveillance Systems

Surveillance systems are one of the linchpins of bank security. However, too often, banks allow their surveillance systems to become outdated before replacement, leaving glaring vulnerabilities in your security.

Consider modern technologies like HD cameras and facial recognition for enhanced peace of mind. Ensure that continuous monitoring/recording is built into your security protocols. And brush up on industry best practices for camera placement and coverage (something the parent corporation should provide), including limiting blind corners and strengthening visibility with dusk-to-dawn lighting.

Strengthen Physical Barriers and Access Points

Robust doors, windows, and vaults are a must in any bank branch, as are tamper-proof locks. Update these access points along with a thorough proximity card system to ensure reliably restricted access across sensitive branch areas.

Conduct Regular Security Risk Assessments

Recently, we wrote a think piece on why businesses should conduct security risk assessments regularly. (The full article is available to read at the link.) In it, we highlight the immense importance of routine—routine checks, routine maintenance, routine updating, etc.

These remain evergreen pieces of advice, especially for banks. As you’ve done with protocols in the first section, systematize these assessments according to a consistent schedule so you never fall behind.

To summarize, banks need to be especially vigilant in the fight against crime. To improve branch security, consider elevating your access control systems, surveillance, training, assessments and physical access points.