Is it Better To Hire an ID Card Printing Service or Do It Yourself?

If you’re looking into printing ID cards for your business, school or other organization, you may consider simply outsourcing the work to a third party supplier and forgetting about it. Though the one time use of an ID card printing service may seem beneficial, you’ll surely be printing ID cards more than once, and you need to take that into consideration. Let us help you weigh the options between a one-time ID card printing service, and investing in the supplies to print your own ID cards at any time.

Third Party ID Card Printing Service

There are many benefits of outsourcing the work of printing ID cards, there is no denying that. So long as you’ve correctly gathered the information you need to be printed on the cards, such as name, title, and photograph, many businesses can simply print these cards on your behalf. These companies may offer discounts on cards depending on quantity as well, meaning you can get a large amount of cards printed for a seemingly low price.

Keeping this work out of sight and mind for your employees means someone else may seem like a fantastic choice, however remember the implications that come when someone takes on the responsibility of printing these cards for you. Should there be a mistake printed on one of the cards, you’ll need to spend more time waiting to have it reprinted; there may also be a fee for reprinting, even though the mistake was not your fault. Likewise, if you were given misinformation, a poor quality picture, or need to have the card reprinted for any number of other reasons, there will be a delay in cost and time.

In-House Printing Services

Investing in your own supplies for ID card printing may seem like a significant investment, but this choice almost immediately pays for itself. Not only does having a personal ID card printer allow you to print cards at any time, without any delay, but it allows you to immediately fix the card if there is a change in personal information. Printing your own cards also gives you the option to change their appearance at any time, whether your company colours change, address changes, or new additions you’d like to the cards.

In addition, the cost of purchasing an ID card printer and supplies would immediately make itself up in the cost savings of not purchasing cards elsewhere. When investing in your own printer and card supplies, you’re paying the same amount for these items as the third party printing business is. This means there’s no markup on card prices, shipping and handling, and other fees that will be attached to the price of your outsourced cards. By the time you print more than one round of ID cards yourself, you’ll already be seeing savings.

If you’re considering whether or not to hire an ID card printing service or to do it yourself, the security experts at Avon Security Products can set you up with the printer and supplies you need to immediately save money. For more information on our products, contact us today!

Why Membership Card Printing Should Be Done On-Site

There are a number of reasons why your organization should choose to print membership cards on site instead of relying on a third party printer. Today there are many easy to use and cost friendly ID card printers on the market that you can easily integrate into your current membership enrollment process.

No Delays

The biggest reason you should bring your membership card printing in house is to remove the delay between members signing up and getting their cards in the mail. Since most companies wait until they have a large batch of cards to be printed before they send them off to the printer, this can further extend the problem. Depending on which third party printer you use, it could take three to six weeks for ID cards to be returned, meaning that you will have to rely on temporary badges in the interim. This creates a weak point in your member tracking abilities that is completely avoidable.


While the investment into a small printer to keep on your site may seem like a big investment at first, it will actually reduce your membership card printing expenses overall. You will be able to print cards in small batches as members sign up without waiting, and your members will immediately have access to their card. You won’t be paying a marked up rate for the printing service and shipping costs.

Data Security

Not only does the delay in getting cards from a third party printer cause a lapse in security, sending data out to another company can also be seen as a weakness in your data control. Even if your membership cards only have names, pictures and birth dates listed, there is enough valuable information there to raise concerns in a world where data breaches are happening regularly.

Accuracy and Control

Of course there is always a chance for human errors during the data entry process during member enrollment. One problem that companies face with third party membership card printing is that it takes weeks to realize that there was an error in the first place, and then correcting it takes another three to six weeks. This is inconvenient not just for the member, but also for your own staff who is forced to double check the member information for accuracy. By printing on site you will have the ability to make corrections immediately. You also have complete control and oversight of the printing process to ensure that it is being done well without unnecessary waste. Plus, you have the option to design your card design and experiment on your own instead of relying on someone else to make design choices based on preset templates.

Ultimately, bringing your membership card printing on site and handling all of the details yourself will improve the overall flow of member enrollment, and reduce lost time and money. You will have more options for handling member IDs and can make corrections before they become a problem down the line. Members will appreciate having access to their cards immediately and not having to worry about the safety of their personal information being sent off to a third party.

To learn more about this or to get matched with the perfect products, contact us at Avon Security Products today!

Printer Ribbon Types Found in Printer Systems

So you find yourself in the market for a printer capable of producing ID cards, but after the obligatory Google search, you’re left overwhelmed. Do you opt for a Magicard, Badgy, maybe a Fargo? How about a Zebra or a Datacard. These are just a few of the top brands in the industry, and each manufacturer is likely to present hundreds of model options. Talk about a flooded market! One key way to simplify the whole printer buying conundrum is to think about what type of printer ribbon you will be needing. Yes, it sounds a little like putting the cart before the horse, but there is a certain logic to approaching the problem this way.

Are you going with monochrome or color?

While this may seem self-evident, let’s break these two down before progressing. A monochrome printer ribbon is capable of doing black, white, and various shades of gray, while a color ribbon usually consists of four colors: yellow, magenta, cyan, and black, which has earned these ribbons the acronym YMCK. These four colors combine to produce pretty much every color of the rainbow, so there’s no shortage of customization options. If the ID cards you plan on producing are going to be basic, black and white affairs, then you will be looking for a model compatible with this type of printer ribbon. However, if you are looking to add a little vibrancy to your ID cards, or want to color code badges for various security clearances, then you will need to find a printer that works with this type of ribbon.

You will be printing on both sides of the card?

It might not sound like it, but the answer can influence the type of ribbon, and thus printer, you will need. For instance, if you want to put a photo on one side and a bar code on the other, finding a printer that can do this will help you narrow the field. Keep in mind that these ribbons will typically print color on the front, and black and white on the reverse side.

Will you need lamination ribbons?

Some printer ribbons will automatically laminate the cards for you, which can be a real time saver. Coincidentally, these types of ribbons are known as YMCKO (“O” being for Overlay).

How important is volume?

On a typical day are you printing 10 or 100 ID cards? Given certain specifications, a printer ribbon might yield around 200 cards, or up to 10x that number. Cheaper is not always less expensive, so find a printer that produces the volume you need.

Do you know your acronyms?

In addition to the YMCK, and YMCKO already covered, you will probably come across other variations of this such as, YMC and YMCKOKO to name only a couple. The YMC is color and capable of producing composite black, which is not good for barcodes. The YMCKOKO is capable of putting barcodes on both sides of the card while including two overlays.

Pay Attention to Brand

Whatever make you ultimately choose, keep in mind that there are going to be twice as many “will-fit” ribbons available for purchase as there are printer models on the market. Remember, you want the most cost effective option, which is typically a name brand printer ribbon.

For more information on printer ribbon types, or to order the type you need, contact us at Avon Security Products today!

The Best Temporary Photo ID Badges for Summer Interns

If you’re interning for the summer, it’s important to invest in photo ID badges. This much is common knowledge- what may not be is why it’s important, as well as what kind of badge to have and what information needs to be present on that badge.

Why Interns Need Photo ID Badges


The base answer is simple enough, for security. You’re playing a new, temporary role in the business you’re going to be interning at. Even if you’re wearing a matching uniform with other employees, people will still notice you since you aren’t one of their recognized coworkers. When this happens, you need to be able to identify yourself, and photo ID badges with your name and important information on them is what let people know you’re an intern.

What Information You Need On Them

Obviously you need an up-to-date picture of your face, but you’ll also need information that distinguishes you from normal employees, so you’re easily identified as an intern.

This information includes:

·         Your name. Include both your actual given name, and any shortened form of your name or common nickname. Some of your colleagues may not recognize you as Christopher, but will recognize you as Chris.

·         Manager name. People need a trusted figure in the company to ask about you and, if necessary, be held responsible for you.

·         Department. What department of the company are you supposed to be operating in? All photo ID badges should have information readily available.

·         Last day of employment. How long will you be interning? Find out the exact date that you’ll be leaving and have it placed on your photo ID badge.

What Kind You Need

o:p> There are two main types of photo ID badges: self-expiring daily badges, or cards with expiration dates. While the former can have their uses, in the long term they’re a hassle to deal with and make your image inconsistent. Having a steady badge for most, if not all, of your internship not only makes a good impression on the people who see you regularly, but it’s also much easier to manage in the long run. That being said, you may be left with one last, burning question.

What Now?

Well, to learn more about ID cards and office technology, feel free to peruse our blog for more information. Employers should usually help provide identification- if you need our help, though, you’re more than welcome to contact us for assistance or browse our selection of products.

Personalized Lanyards for Summer Camp Participants

As spring turns into summer, day camps and summer camps will start to get into the swing of things. It doesn’t matter if you are a summer camp counselor, leader, parent or participant, your involvement in the coordination of the camp is important. Keeping kids organized and accounted for can be a difficult task, but personalized lanyard have come to the rescue!


Let’s start with the obvious: Summer camps have a lot of kids running around, and where there are lot of kids, there is inherently lots of chaos. Personalized lanyards are great ways to keep track of which kids belong where, and who’s doing what. Here are some easy ways to use personalized lanyards to keep everybody organized:


If each camp counselor is responsible for a specific set of kids, why not group their teams by colors? If Sarah is Team Orange and Brian is Team Blue, each child Sarah and Brian are responsible for should wear lanyards with their respective team colors. If Brian ends up with a child in orange in his group, it will be easy to identify the mistake and guide the orange camper back to their rightful group.

Themes & Mascots

Creating themes that include team names and mascots can be a fun way to incorporate safety measures that the kids won’t even realize are there for their security. Have the counselors put their heads together to come up with a fun theme well in advance of the commencement of camp. Say everyone decides to go with a superhero theme, each team can then have personalized lanyards with their superpower identifiers or images related to their specific hero.

Accounting for Everyone

Simply checking everyone’s names off the roster at each event can be a huge undertaking. If you choose to go with personalized lanyards that are embossed with each child’s name, counselors can simply walk around and see who is in their session by reading their lanyard. This is also a helpful way for campers and counselors to get to know everyone since there will be a lot of new faces, especially early on in the camp adventure.

Showing Achievements and Building Esteem

Everybody likes to be rewarded for doing great things every now and then. Summer camp is an excellent place for kids to build up their self-esteem, learn skills that are essential for life, and make new friends in the process. Personalized lanyards can up the ante when it comes to showcasing personal achievements. You can create awards in the form of tags that can hang from the children’s lanyards. As the days’ progress, your campers will gain opportunities to earn awards by participating in various activities or showcasing excellent personality attributes. The kids will feel proud of their accomplishments, and the personalized lanyards will create conversation pieces that open up the lines of communication between the kids, thus encouraging stronger socialization skills. This use of personalized lanyards will also allow for teaching opportunities, as counselors will likely be presented with chances to explain the difference between being boastful and simply being proud of achieving success. Campers who don’t receive a desired award will learn the value of being a good sport regardless of outcome and congratulating their fellow campers on a job well done.

Have we piqued your interest and made you curious about how personalized lanyards can help keep children accounted for an organized at summer camp? Contact our team at Avon Security Products today, and let us know how we can help!

How to Extend the Life of Your ID Card Maker

All office equipment has best usage methods to increase its overall life span. An ID card maker is no different and as a type of specialized printer, proper usage and upkeep are key. By taking good care of your card maker you assure it will last longer and won’t suddenly break in the middle of a work day. Here are six tips to help extend the life of your ID card maker.

Regular Cleaning

General cleaning and maintenance is the first step to keeping your ID maker running at optimal efficiency. Regular maintenance should be done every 700 to 1,000 prints. As every card printer is different and each brand has their own customized cleaning kits available for purchase produced by the manufacturer. These kits include general cleaning supplies and specialized ones such as cleaning cards you insert into the card maker to keep the rollers cleaned.

Check the Printer Roller

The print roller is the part of your card maker that pulls a blank ID card into it. Aside from guiding blank cards into the printer it also serves as a dust collector as it removes dust and dirt from blank cards before they are printed. Because it collects dust, dirt, and other debris make sure it is cleaned regularly.

Directly Clean The Printheads

Aside from regular cleaning special attention should be paid to the printheads. The printheads are the part of the ID card maker that applies the image and text to the card. Most cleaning kits come with special swabs to directly clean the printheads and remove any clogging or debris.

Regularly Replace Printer Ribbons

During regular use your card maker’s printer ribbon wears out. On average an ID card maker should have its printer ribbons replaced every two years or so. By having spare printer ribbons on hand you can replace them as needed. When buying printer ribbons it is advisable to use ribbons made by your card maker’s manufacturer as generic brands may not work as well or be of the same quality.

Cover and Storage

Covering your card maker is one the easiest ways to increase its usage life span. Dust, dirt, debris, and other environmental factors can get into your card printer and wear it down over time. Also aside from covering your card maker also safely store it when not in use. By storing it in a safe location you protect it from accidents. Depending on its location leaving it out and unattended could cause it damage due to being knocked off a desk for example.

Use the Correct Supplies

When buying supplies for your ID card maker make sure you are getting the correct supplies. The brand or type of ID card maker you have determines what size ribbons, what type of cleaning supplies, and what kind of replacement parts work with it. Always make sure the supplies you’re buying are designed to fit your model of ID card maker. The included manufacturer’s instruction manual (or website) will provide product specifics on what supplies fit your brand of card maker. An ID Card Maker is essential part of many businesses and as such needs to be well maintained using proper supplies.Avon Security Products provides Canada with top of the line ID card products, accessories, and supplies. With over 5,000 customers in both public and private sectors Avon’s success speaks for itself. Contact them today with any questions you may have.

The Importance of Name Badge Holders at Industry Conventions

Conventions require all moving parts to run smoothly to be in fully functioning order. Without deliberate attention to the smallest detail, the framework of the event can become sorely out of sync. Attendees and those behind the scenes rely on an organized structure to benefit their ultimate goals. One-of-a-kind experiences are difficult to produce but are possible at the cost of a little extra time and effort. Consistency and uniformity create an environment that breeds productivity.

Why Name Badge Holders?

Awkward pauses can be avoided when convention participants can clearly see the name of whoever they are talking to or listening to. Name badge holders play a vital role in opening the lines of communication. Clarity is important when business associates wish to make connections, gather contact information or socialize with their peers. Ensuring names are clearly legible and badges are not given to wear and tear, the simplicity of a badge holder is an intricate piece of a well-planned convention puzzle. Badge holders typically consist of easy slip-in pouches with attachable neck pieces, straps, pins or magnetic pieces to hold identification in place. Transparent holders display names, and other pertinent information while providing a protective film cover. Convention schedules printed on the opposite side of the badge are easy to access with a simple flick of the wrist, saving money and stopping needless paper waste. Convention planners appreciate name badge holders for their multi-purpose qualities and affordable price; versatility and cost-efficiency are qualities synonymous with success in any business format.

Customization of Name Badge Holders

The type of convention, the venue and the industry’s overall agenda are all things to consider when finding the right style of badge holder to suit your needs. To bring a unified feel to a gathering, company logos or text can be added to colorful lanyards attaching easily to streamline modish badge holders. This provides another element of personalization to convention participators. Varying color holders are obtainable as well from colored borders to full color choices; size variations, horizontal or vertical name holders, and numerous other options are available to create that special experience without costing an exorbitant amount. Additionally, of options that you can choose to add custom finishes to any function include:

Vinyl Badge Holders Clear: This option comes with simple slip on cover, zip closures, clip-on, or with flap. It also is available in vertical or horizontal styles.

Rigid Plastic Badge Holders: Hard plastic stops the ID card surface from scratches, ideal for lanyards or clips and also comes with the option for vertical or horizontal orientation.

Vinyl Badge Holders Color: Available with color specific tops, in full-color, color frame badge holder, construction grade reflective arm-band holder and various other styles.

Magnetic Badge Holders: This style is great for ID and name tags, and also is available in horizontal and vertical types. Magnetic holders add sleek and up-scale appeal to any event
Customization is key in making any event a unique and memorable experience. Name badge holders give you the unique opportunity to inspire professionalism and encourage organization. They will add functionality to any important function. To find out about how customized badge holders can add something more to whatever event is on your agenda, contact us at Avon Security Products to start your journey towards applicable efficiency!

Important Information to Include on Security Badges

An important security practice throughout business organizations that has become standardized is security badges. From employees, maintenance workers, visitors, vendors and volunteers, the card services as a form of security not only for the building, but also for the employees. These security badges are designed to identify, validate and put in place the proper security measures and features that govern how an organization monitors, controls, restricts and protects their resources. At a minimum, the security badge will have an individuals’ photo and identification number. However, a variety of data can be added to an ID card. The information can vary, depending on the type of business, access controls or function of the card. Businesses should create security badges in a way so that they are easy to classify and identify, however, difficult to duplicate. Below, we’ll identify the various types of information businesses can add when designing their security badges.

Defining Company Credentials

Before a business decides what data should be added to their security badges, it’s important to understand what the cards will be used for, and how that data will relate to the functions of their business. The data that will be collected will act as credentials, which is particular knowledge provided by a person. This knowledge will allow a person entry into either a physical location or a computerized information system. A credential could be a unique pin number, a biometric feature and even a security badge. Credentials can also be a combination of these elements.

Security Badge Design

Regardless of the type of organization, the identification card should be designed as an extension of your brand. Additionally, badges should be designed based on the type of access controls given to an individual user. For example, pharmaceutical labs, military units, government facilities or law enforcement are organizations that have varying levels of security clearance. Through the use of color codes placed on the badges, is one method that can identify the cards level of access.

Security Badge Data

Front-End Display

Data can be displayed on the front-end and backend. On the front-end, the standard today is the personal photo. Cards with a personal photo displayed on the front-end include the drivers’ license, state license and even company badge. Additionally, the front-end of security badges typically include the users first and last name, an identification number, and the company logo. Overall, an ID card should not be cluttered however, should have enough information to be authenticated.

Back-End Display Additional data can be stored onto a cards magnetic strip or computer chip. With these two storage mediums, a vast array of data can be collected, tracked and retrieved at any time by simply accessing that stored data. Additional data that can be added to security badges include:
Biometrics: A finger print can be added to a badge which enhances the overall security of the card.
Signature: The card holder’s signature is another biometric type of measure that can be quickly authenticated by matching the card signature to what’s been written.
Expiration Date: Badges should have an expiration date, especially if the user is a visitor or vendor that comes only for a limited time in an organization.
Title: An individuals’ title or position within the organization is an important element to add. This can be effective for large companies with various departments.

Security badges make it convenient for organizations to monitor entry into their buildings. Businesses need to analyze what data they want to collect based on the type of organization they are running in order to define what details they wish to add to their security badges. To learn more about security badges and where to get the supplies necessary to make your own, contact us at Avon Security Products today!

Introducing The 2016 Javelin DNA ID Card System

Here at Avon Security Products, we’re proud to offer our customers the best products on the market, which is why we’re especially excited to show off our most recent item on the shelves, the 2016 Javelin DNA Photo ID Card System! This new ID card system features all of the best in modern printing technology, and would make for a fantastic addition in all card printing environments. From hospitals to public transit, private gyms and more, the Javelin DNA ID Card System beats the competition every time!

Javelin DNA ID Card System Benefits

The 2016 Javelin DNA ID Card System has a long list of capabilities and benefits unique to this machine.


The printing technology included in this ID card system is state of the art. The printer can issue cards instantly, with direct to card dye sublimation and resin thermal transfer. This means that the card will be printed immediately, making for a perfectly smooth application; there will be no time delays or glitches that causes images to warp or distort. With edge to edge printing and 16.7 million colour possibilities, the card will come out perfect every time.

Machine Characteristics

Outside of the printing abilities of the Javelin DNA ID Card System, the machine itself is an incredibly modern piece of technology. The original version weighs just 3.7 kg, and the automatic variation 4.5 kg; it is also incredibly compact and space saving, measuring at 228mm height, 184 mm width, 306mm depth with an additional 60mm in depth if choosing the automatic feed version.


The Javelin DNA ID Card System comes in a number of variations to meet the specific needs of your business. The ID card system comes in both single and dual sided printing options, allowing you to print the exact card you need; better yet, the system is upgradable at all times should you require different printing options. Another helpful option is that the Javelin DNA ID Card System comes in both manual and automatic feed options. The manual feed option requires a person to insert the card to be printed, whereas the automatic feed will automatically choose a card from the holding hopper and complete the printing process without human intervention.

Additional Features

The Javelin DNA ID Card System comes with a variety of add-ons that can be purchased to customize your printing experience. Include a Wi-Fi capability to avoid tangled internet and connection cables; upgrade from a single sided to dual sided printer to simply print on both sides of the card at the same time; add an additional hopper to your automatic feed to increase the card holding capacity from 100 to 200.

The Javelin DNA ID Card System is a significant advancement in the ID card printing industry, and will easily advance your current in-house card printing process. For more information on this system, take a look at the product page, or contact a member of the Avon Security Products team directly today!

Industries and Venues that Can Benefit From Self-Expiring Badges

Self-expiring badges provide one additional layer of security if you frequently have visitors inside of your property for single events or short-term contracts. Music venues, theaters, convention centers and short term office spaces can benefit from the use of self-expiring badges because it restricts the access that anyone can have to the property once their event has come to an end. Concert Venues and Theaters In most cases concert venues and theaters experience high traffic for only a few hours surrounding a single event. During the time that these events are taking place, ticket holders are generally free to move in and out of the theater, going out to smoke or answer phone calls away from the noise and other audience members. However, you don’t want those people to come back the next day and still be able to access the property. Using self-expiring badges that clearly display a “void” image after 24 hours will keep people from repeatedly getting through security.

Convention Centers and Hotels

Convention centers and hotels that host conventions can also expect to see large numbers of people coming and going for two to three days at a time. However, most conventions sell single day and full weekend passes for different rates. In this case, the use of self-expiring badges can be extremely useful to differentiate customers who only paid for one day and those who paid for multiple days. Visitors who only paid for a Saturday pass will not be able to get in on Sunday because their badge would have expired on its own. This makes it easy to spot anyone trying to sneak in

Outdoor Festivals and Carnivals

There are many traveling circuses, outdoor carnivals and festivals that are hard to manage due to the sheer number of people present. Some carnivals and festivals sell unlimited passes to attractions for a single day as opposed to using tickets or punch cards, especially when there is no entry fee at the gates. Over the course of 24 hours a void image will slowly appear in the background of the badge until it is clearly visible and the pass is no longer valid.

Office Complexes and Industrial Areas

Even office complexes and industrial parks can benefit from the use of self-expiring badges. Any time you have a group of job candidates, school tours or other corporate visitors on your site, self-expiring badges will help you control their access to your warehouses, manufacturing facilities and inner offices. Once their interviews are done, or the tour has been completed, you won’t have to worry that they can come back in the future using the same badge. Self-expiring badges provide a simple solution to short-term crowd control in nearly any environment. While many of these industries deal with irregular influxes of people coming and going all at once, regular day to day office tasks are also in need of security measures that keep people from reusing badges beyond the scope of the event they were approved to attend. To get your self expiring badges, contact us at Avon Security Products today!