Your ID Proximity Card Guide: How Does an HID Proximity Card Work?

If you need a security system that gives personnel quick, seamless entry while keeping the public out of restricted areas, it’s time to learn about HID proximity cards.

An HID proximity card uses RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) to provide wireless identification, just like a key fob. It’s an ID card that works with a card reader to open doors without having to fuss around with keys or go through a security check.

How Does an HID Card Work?

Inside an HID card, you’ll find a copper wire ring that functions as an antenna, allowing the card to communicate with readers from a reasonable distance. The reader software identifies whether or not the card is valid and matches it to codes for that entry point.

Organizations can print and program cards, even implementing multiple levels of access. For example, you can program HID cards to grant access to your office space but restrict access to sensitive zones only to select individuals. For example, you may want to restrict access to a server room.

Administrators can even view activity reports. If there is a breach or theft, the administrator can see which card was used to access the area at a certain time. Activity monitoring is a great tool in environments that are too busy to catch everything on CCTV systems.

When Should You Create an ID Entry Card System?

There are some workplaces and environments that are too busy to effectively monitor by CCTV or where security check-ins would be too costly and take too much time. Environments that are open to the public with restricted, staff-only areas, or workplaces where only employees with a certain security clearance are allowed access to certain areas are difficult to control.

By introducing security with proximity cards, you get automated control over who comes into an environment and where they have permission to go. It’s a secure, simple solution for environments such as:

·         Hospitals and medical facilities

·         Universities and colleges

·         Casinos

·         Gyms, health clubs, and golf clubs

·         Ski resorts and spas

Anywhere there’s a risk of the public accessing sensitive or restricted areas, HID proximity cards bring peace of mind. You don’t need to outsource the cards either. You can bring a professional card printer in-house to expedite onboarding staff and make sure staff always have the card they need.

Advanced Control and Monitoring

From the user’s perspective, an HID proximity card is really simple. All they have to do is wave their card in front of the reader, and the door unlocks. It’s quick, seamless, and they won’t give it a second thought.

However, you can manage the access privileges of every card you create. If someone loses a card, you can revoke its access to cut down on the risks of theft or trespassing.

HID proximity cards simplify security in a wide range of industries. Find out how your organization can implement an ID card system that allows you to print and program cards on demand.

Understanding the Importance of ID Cards in Healthcare Settings

Healthcare settings face unique security and safety challenges. They have to balance speed and efficiency, the safety of patients, valuable equipment, controlled medications, and restricted areas in buildings often shared by patients, visitors, healthcare workers, support staff, and contractors. It can be a busy, chaotic environment with high compliance demands and major security needs.

How Can Healthcare IDs Help?

Medical facilities of all kinds need to implement healthcare ID cards to restrict access to appropriate personnel only and help patients identify staff when they need assistance. Institutions need healthcare ID cards that are durable and professional to help identify doctors, nurses, staff, and even patients or visitors. They may also need proximity access cards that help keep the general public or unauthorized personnel out of restricted areas, such as areas where controlled drugs or valuable medical equipment can be accessed.

Medical facilities often need to print ID cards on the spot for patients and visitors. They can do so with an in-house ID card printer.

When it comes to staff ID cards, healthcare workplaces need watermarking and holographic features to prevent counterfeiting and ensure the security of their premises. ID badges are the first step to developing more robust security protocols in a healthcare environment.

Drug Diversion Prevention Strategies

Drug diversion is one of the most pressing issues facing hospitals and healthcare settings from a security standpoint. While drug diversion can be perpetrated by patients or pseudo-patients, it’s an even bigger issue when healthcare workers divert controlled substances. An alarming 79% of controlled drug loss reports are unexplained. Not only are these losses expensive for healthcare operators, but they are contributing to unprecedented opioid-related mortality.

There are already robust policies healthcare operators must comply with when it comes to restricting access to controlled substances and recording who signs out controlled substances. Access cards and ID cards can help physically limit access to controlled drugs and should be considered as part of your diversion prevention strategy.

Improve COVID Safety in Health Facilities

Looking beyond hospital and pharmacy environments, health facilities like gyms and fitness clubs have a big task ahead of them. In some jurisdictions, they’ve been shut down due to COVID-19 for the better part of a year. Listed as high-risk environments, they can expect continued limitations on capacity as they reopen.

They are going to have to take extra steps to lower risk levels and re-establish the trust of their members. As much as people are eager to get back to their fitness routines, there are still plenty who will be reluctant to get back to indoor environments unless they’re confident that their health and safety are primary concerns.

There are many different guidelines for reopening across North America, but reduced capacity is a common theme. A membership card that monitors activity and helps administrators know exactly how many people are in their facility at the same time will go a long way toward providing a safe health club environment.

How to Introduce a Loyalty Card Program for Your Brand

Repeat business is good for business. That’s why so many companies have created customer loyalty programs. At a time when businesses of all sizes have been struggling, there’s never been a better time to reward and cultivate customer loyalty.

A customer loyalty program such as a points program can both reward your repeat customers and help your bottom line. These tips can help you introduce a program that works.

#1 Use PVC Cards

How many half-stamped paper cards do you have falling apart in your wallet? Coffee shops and other small retail businesses often start customer loyalty programs with the kind of paper cards that get stamped with each purchase. But they often get forgotten or worn down quickly.

There’s a better way to encourage customer loyalty. With a card printer on-premise, you can print and program durable PVC cards that let customers earn points or rewards while you to track valuable data like purchase history. They look better, fit easily in customers’ wallets, and they won’t fall apart. You can also print them on demand.

#2 Integrate Your Branding

Every aspect of your loyalty program should reinforce your brand, from the rewards you offer to the physical cards themselves. The underlying goal of your rewards program should always be about enhancing customers’ experience of your brand. Not only should the rewards reflect the experience you offer, but you should pay attention to the details as well.

Your customer loyalty cards should show off the personality of your brand. You want customers to instantly recognize it when they’re flipping through their wallets – and think about you when they see it. Using high-quality PVC cards, you can make sure that your custom-designed cards always look great.

#3 Collect Data

Printing physical rewards cards isn’t just a branding exercise. It can also give you access to valuable information about your customers and their purchases. Using supplementary software, you can track the purchases of customers who use your rewards program.

Information is power, and you can start connecting the dots between repeat businesses and what they buy to start targeting your marketing campaigns.

#4 Design Your Program for Your Best Customers

Your top 10% of customers can be worth five to six times more than the rest of your customer base. These are your most loyal and profitable customers, and they should be the targets of your loyalty program.

They are the clientele who will be more motivated by the program. They want to support your business, and they benefit from sticking with you.

#5 Discounts vs. Other Benefits

Discounts are some of the most popular rewards given in loyalty programs, but they’re not the most memorable. There are many other rewards you can provide. Depending on the nature of your business, they might include:

·         Free shipping

·         Early access

·         Free products

Redeemable points programs can be a great way to appeal to basic human behaviour. People enjoy the feeling that they’re progressing toward a goal, such as a free purchase or other rewards. Points should be earned quickly enough that customers feel a sense of progress and momentum. You might even be able to make a more memorable experience by giving out surprise rewards.

A loyalty card program is a great way to both give back to your customers and inspire repeat business. Get started with a loyalty card program system today.

Avoid Security Breaches by Implementing ID Cards in the Workplace

Workplace security breaches are a source of concern across industries. They can pose a danger to your staff and/or customers, disrupt the workday, lead to loss through theft, or jeopardize data and records. If you’re responsible for building or workplace security, these are the kinds of security breaches you can cut down on by introducing ID cards.

Breach of Health Protocols

As the world slowly gets back to normal, you can expect many workplaces to return with health protocols to ensure that staff are able to work safely and ease any anxieties they have about returning to the office.

COVID-19 screening is one method to make sure the office remains safe for workers, but it’s not just staff who should be screened. Anyone entering the office should have to go through the screening process, or else you could have a potentially deadly breach. An ID card can help reassure everyone in a large office setting that visitors have been properly screened.

With a plastic card printer in house, you can quickly print cards or lanyards for visitors so that everyone knows a guest, contractor, or client has been properly screened and has followed workplace health protocols.

Protecting Records and Data

If you work in an industry that handles personal, confidential information, such as medical records or financial information, you need to make sure that your physical records and data servers are protected from breaches.

Whether these documents are stored on a particular device, server, or on paper, you can restrict access with proximity ID cards. A contact-free proximity card reader prevents those without authorization from physically accessing sensitive data.

Proximity cards are the most widely-used identification credential for controlling physical access. They can be programmed and printed in-house. Credentials can be changed as an organization needs to update them, such as removing credentials from cards that have been lost or stolen.

To help improve durability, provide an access card holder with proximity cards. They’re an affordable way to attach access cards to lanyards or protect them from scratches.

External and Internal Theft

Businesses of all kinds need to protect themselves against theft. Whether you’re worried about your bank deposits, theft from the register, inventory, or data, you can reduce the risk of theft with access ID cards.

While the use of safes and best practices for bank deposits can help you protect cash at critical times, proximity cards might be what you need to limit access to inventory and data. They can prevent customers or guests from accessing restricted areas, and they give you control over which employees can gain access at what times.

Don’t Lose Access Cards

Access ID cards help make sure that only the right people gain access to your premises, but how do you make sure no one who shouldn’t gets their hands on your access ID cards? You can introduce policies that impress the importance of their proximity cards on employees, but the best way to reduce loss is to invest in security accessories like lanyards, badge holders, and anything that simply makes it harder to lose them.

Security breaches are a concern for all kinds of workplaces. Fortunately, ID cards make it easier to ensure that no one winds up where they don’t belong.

Which Industries Get the Most Benefits Out of ID Cards?

Could your organization benefit from using ID cards for employees, guests, customers, or volunteers? PVC ID cards can help you streamline security, restrict access to facilities or materials, quickly identify people on busy sites, and even provide loyalty programs to customers.

If you’re working in any of these industries, it may be time to invest in an ID card printer and the right software to create a system that works for you.

#1 Construction

Construction site theft is not just common; the costs climb every year. Across Canada, construction site theft now costs $46 million annually, and much of that theft is done by on-site workers. Construction sites are ripe for theft, as they’re often busy scenes where valuable materials and equipment are stored with minimal oversight.

Photo ID cards are a quick way for construction companies to mitigate the risk of theft and secure materials that are valuable and sometimes dangerous. With an on-site ID card printer, companies can also issue appropriate ID to site visitors, which will help prevent non-employees from making off with materials.

#2 Non-Profit Organizations

Every organization’s reason for using ID cards is unique. Employees in the non-profit sector often find themselves organizing events with the help of volunteers. Organizers need to be able to quickly identify volunteers from attendees or guests, and a matching T-shirt isn’t always enough.

It also helps organizers connect with volunteers when they know everyone’s name. Name recall is one of the biggest factors in creating lasting connections with volunteers.

ID cards can also be useful in non-profit medical settings, such as animal shelters, where only some volunteers with the qualifications should have access to controlled drugs.

#3 Emergency Services

Any way to speed up security processes used in the delivery of emergency services is a good one. With the use of photo ID cards for emergency services personnel, security at hospitals and other facilities can quickly confirm the identities of personnel and avoid security breaches during a crisis.

Security is essential in emergency services, but it can’t slow down rapid response times. Avon Security Products provides customizable systems that allow security teams to verify identities or provide access to restricted facilities. High-quality employee ID cards are watermarked and holographic to prevent counterfeiting and tampering. 

#4 Retail

Customer loyalty programs are an excellent way for retailers to show they appreciate customers who keep coming back. Studies show that a customer who has an emotional connection to your business will have four times the lifetime value of an average consumer.

For local retailers, that goodwill shouldn’t go to waste. Now more than ever, shoppers are showing their love for local businesses whenever they can. The right card for the program isn’t just durable; it’s also got character. Make sure it brings your brand to life.

With supplementary software, you can easily track purchases and points, and record data for your most loyal customers. 

An ID card printer can enhance your security system, introduce a loyalty program, reduce theft, and help you engage volunteers. Find out how you can make high-quality, secure PVC photo cards on-site.

Everything You Need to Know About Security with Proximity Cards

It can be hard to manage access to busy workplaces. Between visitors, deliveries, contractors, and employees, sometimes there’s too much activity for CCTV to effectively monitor. At the same time, too many locks or security check-ins can take too much time and interfere with the workday.

Organizations that need to restrict physical access to a building or create layered access to a facility for different employees are discovering the benefits of proximity cards. Once a technology primarily used in automobiles, it’s now an efficient solution to building security.

What Are Proximity Cards?

Proximity cards provide keyless entry to restricted buildings and areas. They can be easily attached to a key ring or clip, and they’re made to endure everyday use. Cards may integrate photo ID if that is a necessary element to your security system. For example, employees may need to check in with security to enter the building but can use their card to enter restricted facilities inside. Key tags can be used if you don’t need photo identification. 

The system incorporates readers, proximity cards, and software that allows an organization to control access. The software identifies the validity of a card and matches codes to the designated area. From a user’s perspective, all they have to do is wave the card or key tag in front of the reader and get instant access to the area. An access control server allows administrators to view activity reports and manage access privileges, ensuring that only the right employees have the appropriate access.

How Do HID Proximity Cards Work?

Proximity cards rely on RFID technology, or Radio-frequency identification. This is a form of wireless communication to identify a person or object. It doesn’t require a direct line of sight to be scanned, so some proximity cards don’t even need to be waved or swiped.

RFID can also be found in debit and credit cards, which allows consumers to tap a reader in order to pay.

With a printer to make Avon Security ID cards in-house, organizations can print and program all the cards they need, on the spot, without compromising security or functionality.

What Are the Benefits of Using Proximity Cards?

The benefits of proximity cards are worth looking into when you want to create a workplace that’s secure without standing in the way of worker productivity. They provide:

·         Greater control over access to buildings and sections of buildings;

·         More accurate monitoring of movement than CCTV can provide;

·         Flexible controls that allow administrators to update access privileges;

·         Tighter security without interfering with work productivity;

·         Integration with other technologies such as hologram printing, smart cards, or photographic identification.

When you need to meet the demand for heightened security while balancing it with convenience, proximity card systems provide minimal disruption. Critical industries such as banking, healthcare, emergency services, government, and more need heightened security. Get better control to safeguard buildings, property, and employees and provide a convenient way for employees to access their workplaces.

What Your Small Business Gets out of an ID Security System

As the owner of a small business, you have to keep a close eye on all your expenditures to protect your bottom line. No investment is worth rushing into headlong without first researching everything about it, and an ID card security card system is no exception.

We understand that here at Avon Security Products. That’s why we’ve compiled the list below. It shares what you stand to gain when you invest in an ID card printer today.

Access Control

First and foremost, an ID card printer system produces employee badges. This form of identification helps your security team recognize people who belong and those who don’t. A missing ID badge is proof the individual hasn’t been vetted by your team.

Monitoring your attendance has never been more relevant as you stay open during the pandemic. Your company likely follows new capacity restrictions and physical distancing rules to ensure your employees, customers, and visitors are safe.

Having an ID card printer on-site will help you respond to these new standards, no matter what your day-to-day business may be. Take a look at our post about health fitness centres to learn how you can lower risk levels in any industry.

Protect Inventory

If you work with proprietary data, financial info, or pharmaceuticals, an ID card printer system can help you increase your security. Employees will have to swipe or tap their ID badges before they can access devices, servers, or even physical locations. This will help keep prying eyes from spotting confidential information and prevent sticky fingers from stealing your inventory. 


Branding is important for any company, but it’s tantamount to success when it comes to small businesses. It’s a representation of what your company stands for — not just as a visual cue of your services but the philosophy by which you operate.

Here at Avon Security Products, we have a line of branded accessories that help you get your name out there. Our ID lanyards show off your business’ name and logo whenever your employees or guests wear their badges outside of the office.

To learn more about how you can make an impression with a visitor lanyard, take a look at our custom lanyards. But don’t forget to peruse our entire line of accessories, including badge reels, clips, luggage tags, and more.


No one knows what’s on the horizon for the upcoming year. If your business sees huge growth over the next 12 months, you need to know your ID card printer system can mature with you. That’s why we’ve developed a scalable product line that fits your needs as you flourish — whether you remain a relatively small outfit or evolve into a national brand.

One of our security experts can match you with the perfect one-box security solution, which includes an ID card printer, PVC cards, and all the printing supplies you need to get started. We’ll customize the security features to suit your needs now, but we’re always just a phone call away should your needs change in the future.

To learn more about how we can help your small business, get in touch with us today. We’d love to hear about what you do so that we can help you do it safer.

Consider These New Safety Measures in the New Year

Now that we’ve flipped the calendar over to 2021, the crew at Avon Security Products is back on the clock and ready to help you with security. To help you get back into the swing of things, we’ve compiled a list of new security features you’ll want to consider in the months to come. Keep scrolling to see how you can increase your security in 2021.  

Security Features of Your ID Card Printer

All too often, we think about how an ID card printer will increase the security of our spaces without giving a thought to how well we protect the machine. Remember, an ID card printer produces badges that give access to locations and information that may be highly confidential. You’ll want to consider how you secure this equipment carefully.

Here at Avon Security Products, we help you lock down your equipment by offering only the best printers in the country. You can pick a high quality ID card printer that comes with a locking mechanism that fastens the cabinet enclosure. Only those with the key will be able to use the printer, which means you have total control over who may produce ID badges. 

Our sophisticated ID card printers also come with advanced software security settings, including user authorization and password protections to ensure only approved employees can use them. 

Security Features of Your ID Badges

Turning our focus away from ID printers, we look to the other part of this security equation: the ID badge. An ID badge can show more than just a simple photograph and name. With the right printer and PVC cards, you can enhance your security by including the following cutting-edge features:


Adding a watermark is a smart way to boost your security because it makes your ID badges harder to reproduce. Ask us about our line of printers with lamination modules capable of producing watermarking and holographic imaging. You can also overlay stickers to superimpose texts and pictures onto your existing badges. 

Magnetic Stripe Encoding

We have special PVC cards that come with magnetic stripes. Once encoded with data, employees and guests can gain entry to places and electronics with a simple swipe of their badge. These PVC cards don’t require security personnel to verify their identities in person, so you can save on your security team budget. 

Proximity Card Readers

Our sophisticated prox cards provide the same precision digital access control as badges with magnetic stripes, but they share data differently. 

With a proximity card, radio frequencies transmit data to your card reader electronically. They work a lot like the bank card you hover over the grocery store payment system, meaning your reader doesn’t need contact to verify IDs. 

A contactless form of identification has never been more appropriate as we adapt to new workplace restrictions. Prox cards help reduce what your staff and visitors must touch while eliminating the number of in-person security personnel you need on the premises. 

Bottom Line

Security doesn’t come from a single feature; it’s a collection of mechanisms, technology, and design that come together to keep your business safe. The features we listed above are just some of the advantages you get when you use access ID card systems from Avon Security Products. To learn more about ID printers and ID badges for your unique industry, get in touch with us today. One of our security experts is ready to help you upgrade your system for another year of success.

Is Your ID Card Printer Ready for the New Year?

With another year rapidly drawing to a close, now is the perfect time to perform a review of your security systems. 

So, how has your ID card printing system worked these past 12 months? Take a moment some time before the clock strikes 12 to consider how satisfied you are with your Avon Security Products ID printer. 

Why You Should Check-In with Your ID Card Printer

We encourage our customers to check-in with their printers even if things are running smoothly. If there isn’t a glaring breakdown or glitch slowing down your ID badge production, it’s easy to push your security maintenance to the back of your mind. But like any sophisticated piece of equipment, an ID printer benefits from regular maintenance to ensure it’s running on all cylinders. 

So, reacquaint yourself with the technical information and user manual that came with your printer and software. These documents will remind you of all the features that your security system offers.  

If your printer isn’t operating as you expected, get in touch with us today. Someone from our factory-trained technical support team is ready to help you with any issues, questions, or concerns you may have.  

Are You Ready for an Upgrade?

This check-in also gives you a chance to evaluate how well your printer meets your security needs. If your business has grown considerably since you first invested in an ID card printer, you may be ready to get more out of a security system. 

Check to see our printers by industry, or give us a call for one of our printer experts to compare your options. With Canada’s largest photo ID warehouse, we have cutting-edge features for expanding businesses. These include printers capable of faster printing times, custom holographic details, dual-sided printing, and magnetic stripe encoding. 

You may also consider upgrading to a proximity card reader this year. These contactless ID badges send information wirelessly to a reader, allowing access to areas and technology without a single swipe. This will help you maintain social distancing rules and limit the number of shared surfaces your employees and guests must touch. 

Check Your Inventory

As the holidays rapidly draw to a close, many businesses are busier than ever as sales pick up. You don’t want to get caught without essential supplies during your busy season. Running out of these materials could bring an unfortunate halt to your security system and have a rippling effect for all branches of your business.  

To ensure you don’t experience any interruptions, check to see that you have the following items in stock:

  • Accessories (hard ID badge holders, customer lanyards, etc.)

  • Blank PVC cards

  • Cleaning supplies

  • Extra parts

  • Ink ribbons

  • Printer spools

Here at Avon Security Products, we provide everything you need to set up and maintain your ID card printer system. Look for your printer brand and model under our supply finder, and we’ll show you the supplies your printer needs to run its best. 

Go ahead and contact us with your order today, or wait until the new year. We’ll be here any time you need us. Until then, have a happy holiday from our family to yours!

What is an ID Card Printer System?

If you’re just starting to look into ID card printers, you’ve come to the right place. Avon Security Products is an authority in the ID security world, and we’re ready to share our expertise with you today.

Keep reading to learn all there is to know about what an ID card printer can do for you.

What is an ID Card and Printer?

First, let’s start with the nuts and bolts of our security systems. In other words, let’s take a look at ID cards and printers.

An ID card printer is similar to the printer in your office — it’s a piece of equipment that takes digital text or images and produces a hard copy. However, there are two major differences between these electronics. While your admin uses your printers to issue invoices, documents, and contracts, ours generate security badges. And instead of using paper, we use blank PVC cards.

We shone a spotlight on PVC cards in a previous blog post, which we encourage you to read for more information. However, the long and short of it is, PVC is a hard, durable plastic that takes to printing easily. Our ID card printers use specially formulated inks that suit the PVC card material, working quickly to produce flawless, full-colour ID badges that won’t smudge or bleed. 

What is an ID Card Printer System?

An ID card printer system is a package containing all the tools you need to design and print secure ID badges. At Avon Security Products, we call this package a one-box security solution. That’s because it includes ID software, ink, ribbon, and a webcam, in addition to a printer and PVC cards.

We tailor these items to the specific brand of printer you choose. As Canada’s largest distributor of plastic card printers, we have an impressive inventory of the biggest names in the security industry:

·         Datacard

·         Evolis

·         Fargo

·         Javelin

·         MagiCard Neo

·         Polaroid

·         Zebra

One of our knowledgeable representatives is ready to help you decide which brand best suits your industry’s needs. Just let us know a little about your company, and we can provide a side-by-side comparison of your ideal ID printing systems.

What Can These Cards Do?

First and foremost, an ID card is an identification system. Our printers generate badges that clearly display employee and visitor names, positions, and images. A quick look at a badge proves your HR or security team has vetted these individuals, and they belong on site.

But this is just one of the many tasks our cards can help you perform. In addition to an identification system, our cards can help you with:

·         Attendance and time tracking

·         Electronic access control for hands-off security protecting rooms, storage units, and other physical spaces

·         Digital access control to technology, equipment, and files

Should You Invest in an ID Card Printer System?

ID cards provide peace of mind that analogue security methods can’t. Not only does it prove the identity of the person who’s wearing it, but it also comes with digital and physical access control and employee tracking. You’ll be better protected and more organized as a result.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level in 2021, give us a call. We’ll help you get the full package you need to make security a priority for the new year!