Essential Security Measures for Large-Scale Festivals and Parades

man with young daughter on his shoulders enjoying a festival

There’s nothing quite like the atmosphere of a large festival or parade. When thousands converge on the same place for the same reason, there’s a type of hum in the air so palpable people can feel it. Whether the event is a Santa Claus Parade or Jazz Fest, it attracts like-minded people which produces a real buzz.

If you’re putting on the event, you have certain responsibilities towards staff and attendees and can’t just sit back and enjoy the show. When it comes to security for high-profile events like festivals or parades, the organizers need to be mindful and attentive. Avon Security Products can help make your next event seamlessly secure.

Let’s check out how proximity cards and ID badge holders can help protect attendees and the festival organizers.

Proximity Cards for Staff

Festival and parade staff can access sensitive areas other people can’t be. It’s crucial to put up a barrier to enforce access. Otherwise, trespassers can steal sensitive information or harm staff, attendees, or the festival’s hired acts.

Proximity cards and ID badge holders are excellent ways for people to prove they have permission to access specific spaces. With one tap, they can get into any space they’re designated to be.

VIP sections and Backstage Access

Some festivals and parades need more granular control over who can go where. There could be a VIP section restricted for people who pay a premium or a backstage area reserved just for the hired acts and certain friends and relatives.

Security doesn’t end once people are granted entry into the event. Out best security products make it easy for event organizers to control access, ensuring VIPs and those close the talent are free to roam as they please without subjecting themselves to a lengthy inspection at the door or worrying that unauthorized people will be in a restricted space.

Compatibility Isn’t an Issue

Festival organizers need to identify and prevent any potential problems from occurring wherever possible. Crowd control can be an issue if the gathering is truly large.

If employees, artists, and even the crowd themselves carry our ID cards or proximity cards, you know they’ll be compatible with any standard or HID proximity card reader.

We can customize your cards, so they reflect your unique facility code and match your required card format’s reader, whether 26-bit or 172-bit. The embedded metallic antenna coil technology ensures constant access and alignment between the cards people hold and the reader itself, so all employees, artists, and guests can enjoy a safe and seamless experience.

Putting on a wonderful event like a festival or parade is complicated enough as it is. There are many moving pieces to sort out, from basic logistics to complicated questions like trying to book the right talent. Avon Security is happy to simplify all your security concerns, so people can feel effortlessly safe. The rest of the festival is up to you, but we have your back when it comes to security.