How Identification Cards Help Improve Campus Security

School campuses are designed to be a haven for learning and development for students of all ages. As such, it’s essential for teachers and staff to feel secure enough to perform their duties and foster conducive spaces for teaching and learning.


However, campus violence remains a looming reality in schools across Canada. The past couple of years has seen reports of campus violence within or surrounding school grounds.


One way to help improve school security is through identification cards (ID cards). Staff and student IDs are a convenient way to help the school keep track of anyone entering or exiting the premises.


Although not entirely foolproof, ID badges are a step in the right direction toward better campus security. Below are some of the ways identification cards help improve safety in schools.

Identify and Control Access for Currently Enrolled Students

School ID cards allow schools to control access to school premises. Student IDs could be checked at the school’s entry and exit points to ensure that each person is allowed to enter. Badge holders are an excellent way to keep the cards on display and make the process easier.


An ID card system usually includes serial numbers and dates of validity. These features create a better level of security, as students with no current association with the school will no longer have privileges to its spaces.

Identify Staff Members to Increase Safety

Staff members and administrators are primarily responsible for implementing campus safety and security measures. 


When worn correctly, ID cards and badges could be an excellent way for students to feel safer within the campus, as they would know who to ask for help if they need anything. 

Distinguish Faculty Members and Students From Visitors

If your school does open its doors to visitors, it’s a good practice to have a visitor management system or IDs place for them as well. 


Depending on your school’s budget, these could be simple clip-on “Visitor” badges or ones that contain their name and affiliations.


Pro Tip 

“Choosing the right ID card option for your school will depend on how you plan to use them, what kind of card readers are currently in place, and what kind of card readers you will have in the future.”

Protect Personal Data

If data security is one of your school’s main priorities, investing in a smart ID card system might also be wise. It can  be a bit pricier than traditional cards, but they help schools better maintain data privacy.


Smart cards help identify students without blatantly displaying their personal information. Instead of printing out names and contact information on a PVC ID card, all this information would be encrypted into a special chip and read by a scanner.

Learn How AVON Security Products Can Help Improve Campus Security

A solid identification card system is of utmost importance for better school security. It helps schools monitor their facilities better and ensure campus safety, protecting students and staff from possible bad actors and other emergencies.


It’s crucial to employ the services of a trusted ID card printer in Canada to create a secure and robust ID card system.


At Avon Security Products, we take pride in serving our clients in the best way possible. We now serve over 25,000 clients all over the country. We provide convenient and secure safety products such as ID systems that enhance school safety for students, school administrators, staff, and the rest of the community.

ID cards are vital to school security, considering their role in safeguarding students, facilities, and devices. Contact AVON Security Products for help in securing the best identification cards today!

FAQs on How Identification Cards Help Improve Campus Security

How do I secure my school identification card?

To secure your school identification card, you can use a lanyard or an ID badge holder.


What should be included in a school identification card?

Traditional (non-smart) identification cards should often include the following information:

  • Name

  • ID Number

  • Photo identification

  • Phone number or emergency contact details

  • Validity period

  • School colours or mascots (optional)


Smart IDs often forgo the above information and opt for a minimalist design. Relevant information would be stored in a chip, barcode, or magnetic stripe.

What are the different types of school identification cards?

Schools often classify identification cards according to the cardholder. There will be different school ID cards for students, teachers, school staff, administrators, or school visitors.


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